Why haven’t I received an order confirmation email yet?

Why haven’t I received an order confirmation email yet?

  • Are you waiting for our order confirmation? Sometimes an e-mail ends up in the spam folder. Check whether our e-mail has landed in the spam folder.
  • Your payment may have failed. Check whether money has been debited from your account or whether a reserved amount is listed on your credit card.
  • Was money debited from your account? Due to the high workload, it may happen that the confirmation is sent late. We would ask you to be patient. Have you not received a confirmation after another hour? Please contact our customer service.
  • Was no money debited? Then your order has failed and you need to place it again. You do not have to worry that you will receive two orders. We will not ship an order without successful payment.
  • As soon as we have shipped your order, we will send you the invoice by e-mail, as an attachment to your shipping confirmation. You can also download your invoices in your order overview in “My KOZ-E”.
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